Our preschool program is composed of play-based curriculum that aligns with the Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators of Progress and is approved by the Minnesota Department of Education for public preschool programs. Our curriculum promotes your child’s learning and development through activities and classroom interactions. Curriculum currently includes: Big Day for PreK, Handwriting Without Tears and Second Step Social Emotional Curriculum. In addition, our preschool program provides instructional support for social emotional development through the Pyramid model. You can find more information about the Pyramid model by visiting the Pyramid model website.
South Washington County Schools Early Learning supports children through observational assessment using Teaching Strategies Gold. Observations are a powerful tool for early childhood educators to analyze information gathered during everyday classroom activities and routines in order to understand each unique child’s development. Consistent and comprehensive reflection on observation notes, photos, artistic creations, emergent writing, and dictations provides teachers with meaningful insight about each child and about the group as a whole. With this insight, teachers can plan activities and experiences that are responsive to children’s interests and needs. Teachers can share their understanding of each child’s growth with his or her family, while also gaining important insight to inform instruction.
Big Day for PreK
Big Day curriculum forms the foundation for your child's learning in the program. Big Day brings together high-quality literature, social-emotional development and science, math and the arts into the curriculum. Children learn through 3 big experiences per day, tailored small group activities and learning centers that result in children’s healthy development.
Handwriting without Tears
Get Set for School curriculum offers multisensory and developmentally appropriate lessons for readiness, writing, literacy, and early math skills. Lesson emphasize hands-on learning with music and/or movement-elements we know are essential for preschool brain development.
Second Step
The Second Step program promotes skills to help children be better learners, including how to focus their attention, listen carefully, and ask for help. Children also learn empathy by identifying and understanding their own and others’ feelings. They learn how to calm down when they have strong feelings, such as worry or anger. Children learn friendship skills like how to make and keep friends and to solve problems with others in a positive way.
Teaching Strategies Gold (TS Gold)
TS Gold is an ongoing assessment process that monitors your child’s developmental progress across widely held expectations for development. Teachers select learning objectives and match them to activities offered throughout the daily preschool program. Children’s progress is documented and shared with parents at conferences.
The Pyramid Framework
The Pyramid Model is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development. Teachers receive extensive training and ongoing coaching in the application for these best practices. Best practices include Friendship Skills, Visual Schedules and Directions, Problem Solving through social stories and Supportive Conversations with children.