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Teach a Class

Do you have a special skill, interest, knowledge or hobby you'd like to share with your neighbors? SoWashCo Schools Community Education is always looking for enthusiastic instructors and new class ideas that help meet the needs of learners of all ages, stages abilities, and interests. 

Our staff is here to help answer your questions and help you refine your ideas. You are at the core of our community-centered program, and we will do everything we can to support you and make your class a success for all. Bring your energy and talents to the classroom! We don't require a teaching license, only that you have a passion for communicating concepts in an organized and easy to understand manner. Our course catalog isn't complete without you. Join us!

For more information on becoming a Community Education instructor, please contact our office at


Community Education
Main Office

Youth Enrichment
Sue McKeown

Elementary Intramurals, Middle School Athletics, Camps and Clinics
Todd Feustal

Adult Enrichment
Gretchen Carlson