Families who qualify for Educational Benefits may request fee assistance to reduce the cost of Community Education activities and classes.
Financial Assistance requests must include the following three items:
1. Current copy of educational benefits (free and reduced-priced meals) letter from Nutrition Services. For information on how to apply or to obtain a current copy of your letter visit the educational benefits section on the Nutrition Services webpage.
Applications can be completed online through SchoolCafé, printed and submitted or received from a school and submitted. We have printable applications available in English, Hmong, Somali, Spanish. When completing the application, please read all the instructions and income guidelines and complete all appropriate sections.
2. Completed Registration Form (see below).
Registration Form
3. Completed Financial Assistance Application (see below).
Financial Assistance ApplicAtion
All payments are due at the time of registration and Financial Assistance requests must be submitted 1 week prior to class start date and cannot be processed on-line.