Financial Assistance
Community Education strives to make classes and activities accessible by offering scholarships and fee assistance to those who qualify.
- Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE): Class fees are determined on a sliding fee scale based on family income. No one is turned away for inability to pay. If you need additional assistance, please call 651-425-7601.
- Preschool: Financial assistance is available for families that meet certain State eligibility requirements. Financial assistance can be applied for online when you are registering for preschool. Families may be required to provide proof of income. Those qualifying for assistance will also be required to complete a State Pathways Scholarship application. Limited district scholarships are available.
- Youth: Families who qualify for Educational Benefits may request fee assistance to reduce the cost of Community Education activities and classes. Financial assistance MUST be requested ONE WEEK before the start of the class - late applications may be denied. All payments are due at the time of registration.
Main Office
8400 E Point Douglas Rd. S.
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Youth Financial Assistance:
Mary Meier
Community Education Administrative Assistant
Office Hours
7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
How to Apply for Youth Financial Assistance
Review all of the information in this section before applying.
Make a Donation To LearningSoWashCo Schools is the sixth largest school district in the state serving over 18,700 students. Our Youth Financial Assistance Fund helps lower the cost of activities for families in need living within the South Washington County Schools boundaries. During the 2023-24 school year, SoWashCo Community Education supported 743 youth programs and provided over $75,700 in financial assistance. Students were able to participate in quality enrichment programs such as ACT test prep, Driver Education, gymnastics, swim lessons, middle school athletics, robotics, STEM and more. These programs provide participants with the opportunity to pursue their interests, expand their abilities and improve social skills in a fun and safe environment. Participants are not the only ones who receive positive outcomes from their involvement in Community Education programs. The participant’s family, school and larger community all prosper when people are engaged in consistent, quality learning experiences. |