Class listing in our catalogs often use site codes. Location names, addresses, site codes and the district map can be found in the center of the Community Education catalogs or on the Community Education Directory page of our website.
View the catalog or download a printable version. Registration for fall begins on Monday, Aug. 5.
View the preschool catalog or download a printable version.
Register for Preschool 2023-24 Preschool Information 2024-25 Preschool Catalog PDF
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SoWashCo Community Education provides lifelong learning and enrichment opportunities for all ages. We serve the communities of Afton, Cottage Grove, Denmark, Grey Cloud Island, Newport, St. Paul Park and Woodbury.
Community Education Catalog
The SoWashCo Community Education catalog is filled with hundreds of unique classes foryouth and adults. The catalog is produced three times a year and is available in print and interactive digital formats. Approximately 50,000 catalogs are mailed to homes and businesses in the South Washington County Schools district with additional catalogs distributed in prominent community locations.
Summer Youth Brochure
This brochure features hundreds of summer youth camps and activities in a week-by-week format intended to help families plan their summer. It is produced in May and available online and mailed to approximately 5,000 families who have participated in a youth program within the past two years.
Ad Size | Ad Dimensions | Cost Per Issue | Cost Per Year (3 Issues) |
3 Issues Plus Summer Brochure |
Full Page | 7.375" w x 9.875" h | $1,200 | $3,240 | $4,320 |
2/3 page vert. | 4.5" w x 9.875" h | $800 | $2,160 | $2,880 |
1/2 page horz. | 7" w x 4.875" h | $600 | $1,620 | $2,160 |
1/3 page square | 4.5" w x 4.875" h | $400 | $1,080 | $1,440 |
1/3 page vert. | 2.25" w x 9.875" h | $400 | $1,080 | $1,440 |
1/3 page horz. | 7" w x 3.5" h | $400 | $1,080 | $1,440 |
1/6 page vert. | 2.25" w x 4.875" h | $200 | $540 | $720 |
1/6 page horz. | 4.5" w x 2.5" h | $200 | $540 | $720 |
Advertisers willing to commit to three or more consecutive publications will receive a
10% discount. Full payment will be due during the initial billing cycle.